Thursday, January 12, 2017

On Demonitisation by JOEL P JAMES,12 B

DEMONETISATION: Demonetisation of Rs.500 and Rs100 notes  creates Many problems  in our nation.
DEMONETISATION  is good  because it eliminates unaccounted money and identify  the  origin  of eliminates money.Towards the end of December  the  Narandra Modi  government  came with an ordinance that rendered possession of Rs .500 and Rs.100 currency  notes as well  as any transaction in them,illegal.However, the 50-day period  from November  8 when  DEMONETISATION  was announced, to December  30 saw frequent changes in rules and regulation  related to withdrawal and  deposit limit . As per nature's law a mother has  to endure rigorous labour  pain in order to give birth to a new life on this planet  and it would  be childish  to anticipate  the advent of New life of these  planet  without the pain  to his or her mother.In the  similar  fashion, our mother India  is also  facing  a bit  of trouble by the announcement  of demonetisation , by the honourable  Prime  Minister. We dream of  an India where  our old folk will not have to shed tears for the  nonavailability  of amount  of pension  in Indian  banks and where there  will not  exist  enough  gap between  a poor and rich.Many people  do not stand demonetisation . They are not expressing their opinion  bravely . Instead they  are stammering.
-The opinions expressed is of the writer and not of the blogger .This is done just for classroom purpose so as to give training in blogging-CKR

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